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"Bold accessories should elevate your style, not weigh you down."

Jewelry Care

Our products are hand crocheted using natural fibers and require care in order to maintain their beauty. You should remove our jewelry before bathing, swimming, and exercising. When stored properly, you can prevent your crocheted pieces from attracting dust which can dull the appearance of your jewelry. 

We've outlined some recommendations to help you keep your Aurora May Designs purchase looking brand new. Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions about how to care for your jewelry.


  • Keep your jewelry in a protective bag and/or box when not wearing to protect against dust 
  • Store your crocheted pieces separately from jewelry or other objects with sharp or rough edges 


  • Remove stains from crocheted elements as soon as possible by blotting gently with damp cotton. Do not use a tissue or paper towel to spot clean crocheted elements as you will risk getting pesky little fibers caught on the surface. An old cotton t-shirt works great! Use a mixture of clear mild soap or detergent and water to blot gently for stubborn stains. Soaps or detergents with dye may stain your jewelry.
  • Many of our designs feature raw brass elements. We love using brass because it mimics the soft glow of gold at a fraction of the cost. Brass is most often made with a combination of zinc and copper, which causes it to patina and oxidize over time. Gently buffing brass elements with a jewelry polishing cloth will remove any tarnish and restore shine. For more persistent spots, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of lemon juice until a paste forms. Use a cotton swab to apply the paste to brass elements, taking care to avoid crochet elements. Scrub gently and let sit for up to 15 minutes. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.

©Aurora May Designs LLC. All rights reserved.